Holistic Addiction Treatment in Massillon, Ohio

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Holistic Treatment

Holistic methods for addiction and alcoholism treatment at Arrow Passage Recovery can greatly support you during each stage of recovery. From detoxification to stress reduction and enhancing mental and physical well-being, these approaches are key in restoring personal balance.

What is Holistic Treatment?

The basic notion behind holistic health is that the dependence on illicit substances goes beyond the physical addiction. This means that merely addressing the physical aspect is not enough; there are spiritual, social and physical needs that need to be addressed in order to make a whole body recovery.

If we take a look at modern medicine as a whole, it has become standard to focus on treating the physical symptoms. Arrow Passage Recovery believes in whole body recovery; this means that many important aspects of your health remain unaddressed. The goal is to address this imbalance. In short, the objective is to help the whole person, not merely address the physical symptoms of addiction. If the problems were addressed without focusing on you in your entirety, it would mean that the solution provided might only be temporary.

Recent scientific studies have demonstrated dramatically improved success rates with the addition of holistic treatment approaches.

For the recovering addict, holistic approaches should be accompanied by a professional treatment plan but can be effective well beyond the initial recovery phase.

Our Approach to Holistic Treatment

Our holistic approach at Arrow Passage Recovery teaches you how to protect all areas of your health: mind, body and spirit. Together, we will focus on healing each of these areas to help you stop using drugs or alcohol.

According to the philosophy behind our holistic program, all three areas of health are connected; disease in one area will affect the others. Thus, a holistic program will heal each area so that you can continue to stay sober after the main problem influencing your sobriety is resolved.

It can be difficult to find the right holistic drug rehab program, especially if you don’t live near a high-quality treatment center. However, you’ll find that Arrow Passage Recovery is what you’ve been looking for. Don’t despair if you’ve been through rehab before and relapsed. Holistic drug rehabilitation often works for people who don’t get the help they need using more traditional treatment methods.

Part of a holistic approach to recovery at Arrow Passage Recovery offers integrated traditional and holistic long-term treatment. The program is based on trust, meaningful connections, and kindness in supporting you to heal and change your own life. At intake, a team of licensed clinicians will assess your needs and develop an individualized treatment plan with clear goals. Services include psychodynamic and educational groups, one-on-one therapy as well as recreational activities and more.

Arrow Passage Recovery offers a client-centered holistic approach, integrating treatment from a variety of disciplines to address all aspects of the addiction problem (physical, mental, social and spiritual). We also treat underlying issues that preceded addiction, and all co-related addictions. During early recovery, Arrow Passage Recovery provides sub-acute detoxification treatment. APR also offers extended care for transition from residential treatment back into the community.

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