Drug Detoxification Services in Massillon, Ohio



Throughout rehab, your loved one will address many of their challenges and triggers—the factors that led them to addiction and kept them trapped in it. However, before rehab can begin, it’s essential to first clear the drugs, alcohol, or both from their system by enrolling in a reliable and trusted detox program.

What is Drug Detoxification?

Medical Drug Detox is a process that systematically and safely withdraws people from addicting drugs, usually under the care of a physician. Drinking alcohol or using drugs can cause physical dependence over time and stopping them can result in severe withdrawal symptoms. The drug detox process is designed to treat the immediate bodily effects of stopping drug use by removing the toxins left in the body as a result of chemicals found in drugs and/or alcohol.

Detox can be done on both an outpatient basis (at mental health centers, addiction clinics or private clinics) or inpatient (at a hospital or residential treatment center). Inpatient drug treatment in Ohio begins at Arrow Passage Recovery. APR closely monitors patients through the detox process. This prevents use of any substances and speeds up the process of detoxification. The choice of setting depends on many factors such as the drug of abuse, amount and length of history of abuse, psychosocial issues, patient’s age, and co-existing medical and/or psychiatric conditions among others. Upon the initial assessment by Arrow Passage Recovery we will decide the best detox option for you or your loved one.

In order to withdraw from certain addictive substances safely, it may be preferable and in some cases necessary to undergo medically supervised detox in a residential treatment center that has a detoxification unit. Arrow Passage Recovery works closely with the most elite drug and alcohol detoxification facilities to ensure your recovery is a successful one. Detox is recommended for patients that have been using drugs and/or alcohol heavily for long periods of time. This is due to the fact that they are more likely to have severe withdrawal symptoms. Detox commonly involves the gradual administration of decreasing doses (tapering) of an agent that is related to the original drug of abuse that is now substituted to prevent withdrawal.

Our Primary Goal at Arrow Passage Recovery

Drug and alcohol detox is the first phase of substance abuse recovery. It involves a period of time after your last drink or drug that you dedicate to ridding all of the alcohol, drugs or toxins in your body to begin treatment with a clean slate.

The primary goal at Arrow Passage Recovery is to safely and comfortably embark upon a period of abstinence at the start of the recovery process. Once you are clean, recovery can begin.

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Arrow Passage Recovery in Ohio can help. Call us Today to speak to an addiction treatment specialist to begin your journey into recovery.

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